How to learn Java quickly?
What is Java?
⭆ Java is a objects oriented programming
Language. It is Based on the c and c++ programs . Java was developed by James Gosling at sun Microsystems and released in 1995.
⭆ Java is more powerful because this is platform independence.
⭆ It has great security features , as per oracle
website more than 3 billion devices are running
on java.
⭆ Java runs on a Windows,linux,Sunsolaris, Mac OS
and the various version of UNIX.
Basics of Java
Object - Objects should have states and behaviours.
Example: Name of the car is state , running is
the behaviour
Class- It can be defined as a template and blueprint. It
descries the states and behaviours that the
object of
its type supports.
Method- A method is
basically a behaviour.
Is a collection of
statements that are grouped
Together to perform
an operation.
To move the car we need set of actions like
rotating steering and pushing the gear ,
all those actions will grouped under one method
Instance Variables-
Each object its Unique.
Basic java program:
Simple code that will the print the word-(welcome)
class HelloCredoSystemz{
public static void main(String args[]){
System.out.println("Hello World
This HelloCredoSystemz");
It's Simple and Object Oriented, and Familiar
It's Robust and Secure
Architecture Neutral and Portable
Real High Performance
Threaded, Interpreted and Dynamic
Is a methodology simplify for
software development and maintenance by providing some rules.
Platforms Independent-
platform is the software or hardware environment.
There are 2 types:
Software based platforms-It is
providing by java. Its run on multiple platforms.
Hardware based-That runs on the top
of other hardware platforms.
Uses runtime Environment of operating
system in c++ application.
Uses runtime Environment of its own
in java application.
No Explicit Pointer.
To know more information about Java-Click here:-
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